
1/6 My Three Aliens from Star Trek [wip]

DiDi Jones

Lid geworden
18 apr 2018
These are the first things that I have ever done in modeling. A lot harder than I thought it would be lol.



Borg, just primed.

After this I put a grey wash over is head because he didn't look dead enough to me lol. Also it is very hard to see in the picture the red eye that worked out really well.
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With the grey wash and I also have to attach the tubes that go from his head to his shoulder on both sides.
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The Cardassian just primed.

Ready to paint his face.

Had to paint his face a second time because the first time his face was way too dark. I also have to fix his eyes and I find that very difficult to do.
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Klingon just primed.

I did the hair first on this one.

Finished except for a few touch-ups. I did the face second and then the clothes because it took me awhile to decide how I wanted to paint them.
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The stand primed.


I decided to leave the lines the grey primed color but not sure about it now.

I used Vallejo Water Based Paint but didn't really like it that well because I found that it kept rubbing off very easily. I still have some touch-ups to do before applying the Matte Top Coat. I have been working on these for about 3 - 4 weeks.
Diane :wavey:
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I'm gonna follow this topic. Nice works

ps: i moved the topic to figures & bustes ;)
Welcome to the forum and congratulations on this filled-to-capacity topic.

These guys don't look particularly healthy do they :)

Have fun and allow to be guided (from time to time) by your husband, he's a pretty talented modeller.
Thanks Roy vd M. and no, they don't look healthy at all lol. And I will take all the help that I can get :)
Weer eentje om zeker te volgen , wow geweldig " i loving it "
Great start for a so-called inexperienced modeller.
You have a good teacher and it also looks like you have a natural talent for these busts.
Nice pieces.
You have given them a nice touch already.
Looking forward to see the next steps ;)
Thanks everyone!!! Erwin, I think it is because I used to do alot of paint-by-number kits when I was young and I also used to do nails for a living. It all helps :)
I don't want to meet these guys in the dark.

I'm not into painting busts/figurines, but I like them.

Looking good, the painting then, the rest looks like me in the mirror...
Hey DiDi, someone give my a push to look at your work. Your start is good as a base to work one, the question is what you wont to achieve.
My first advise is don't fight with the paint, learn to use it in a way you are satisfied with. There are several ways, using a wet pallet, using retarder or other chemicals, airbrush, dry brush even direct from the bottle. It is difficult to paint large bust in Acrylics with a brush, but not impossible.
if this is your first work, the result after three weeks is more as satisfied. Someone told me, nothing is a bad work you are always need a canvas to work one so that you can improve your skills.
It is probably a hard comment, but please continue painting it is a wonderful hobby to do.
And if you wish i will advise you, not always nice but always correct and fair.

Painted today in Acrylics 70 mm tall, almost everything is possible i you now how to do it.


Grtx Jan
Laatst bewerkt:
Thanks so much Grijze Wolf for all your info and greatly appreciated! And Peiper J, that was just too funny :)
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